Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11, 2008~~ Remembering 9/11

Today, September 11, 2008 marks the seventh anniversary of the day the world trade center in New York city was broken. Seven years ago, families and students representing more than 90 countries were killed in a day. Today, people around the world visit Ground Zero and pay their respects to 9/11 victims. For the New Yorkers, it felt like a flashback to Sept. 11. There are some ceremonies going on in New York, Pennsylvania and Washington. I remember when it happened I was still in High school and I knew 9/11 attack from TV. news. It was scary and bloody...

Summer is officially over as school has started. I am still enjoying my break and enjoying my fishing before the weather turns cold. Meanwhile, I am waiting for my permit to work but the status still on pending. I had a wonderful Summer 2008. First, completed my Undergraduate Program and awarded a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree. Second, a trip to Las Vegas. That's was a wonderful trip!! Also, I had lots of outdoor activities, fishing, BBQ, etc, and family gathering in August. We also had fun watching Olympic!!

School is over and what is the next? What is my plan?? Honestly, I feel so lost and I really do not know what is my next plan? Master in Science Accounting (MSA) Program?? Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam?? Or heading back to Asia?? I really do not know what is my next 5 years plan? One thing for sure is my job hunting continues... I really need to take my time out to plan about what should be done and get it done within these years. My journey ahead is full of challenges. Planning and Organize are two essential things to reach my goals. I am really need to get myself ready for all the challenges. GMAT and job hunting are my two priorities and need to get it done in this Fall 2008. Keep on going, Darren!! I know you can do it, it just matter of time and a little faith to yourself. Positive thinking is my drive...

Some technical notes: has limited 1GB storage for each user. I've reached the storage limit, and was not able to upload any pics for my blog anymore. I was so pissed as I planned to post my pics I took in Las Vegas. only allows me to upload more pics if I pay for extra storage. So after this post, I am planning to create another blog. For the details, I will include in my next post. It's kind of cumbersome to maintain two blogs. Once created, I will include my new blog link in my next post.

"Season Paradise" is moving to a new site. New blog is still under construction. Please be patient!! Cedar Point and Las Vegas posts are coming soon in my new site. A continuing legend of Darren... please stick with me and do not switch your gear!! There are more to be explored!! To be continues...

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