Summer Vacation 07 - Redang Island, July 16-
It's about time to ride the boat back to the Merang Jetty and again ride bus back to Johor. As usual, we woke up in the early morning, washed up and enjoyed our breakfast at Laguna Resort. After we done our breakfast, we went back to our resort and get ready to off to Jetty. Before we leave, we took the pictures below at our resort balcony:
It's a view from our resort balcony. There is a pool in front of our room:
We took some pictures before we leave. Here are some pictures we took at our room balcony:
Daven and Janice
Early bird~~ Darren
@ Darren & HooiSin @
Bye!!! Luguna Resort!! With your delicious food and good facilities, we definitely will come back again. Laguna Resort is the best resort in Redang Island.
This is the beach at Laguna Resort. I took this view before we were ready to get off to Laguna Jetty. I love it so much and i will miss the beach:>
A group picture in front Laguna Beach
After checked-out, we walked from our resort to Jetty, and it took us less than five minutes. Look!! Hooi Sin urged me when i was shooting some nice views. I took this picture for revenge!! :>
After walking for few minutes, we got Laguna Jetty and we waited for boarding at Laguna Dive Center. Here are few pictures that we took at Laguna Jetty:
A picture for a line of boats
Pay attention to the huge boat in white, that's is the boat that we took it from Laguna Jetty to Merang Jetty. It took an hour from Laguna Jetty to Merang Jetty. It will be longer if the schedule affected by thunderstorm.
Nice views everywhere in Redang Island, we decided to take more pictures before we leave. 

Another group pictures at Laguna Jetty. Our last pictures at Redang Island. Time to say goodbye with Redang Island. We will be back for sure. We had fun for sure!! Bye Bye Redang Island.
The weather was nice and we took an hour back to Merang Jetty. We landed with safety and tired. We landed earlier as the time scheduled, so we still have time to shop around at Merang Jetty. There is a lot of stalls there and we shopped around and grabbed some souvenirs. We bought one unique photo album and some key chains. Also, i bought one beach skirt to Amanda, my niece.
We finally caught up our bus back to Johor. It was a bus without any entertainment. It took 12 hours back to Johor. There is no freeway from Merang Jetty to Johor. We took local route and met the terrible traffic because it was day time. I was almost crazy that took me such a long time to back home. I can't image the travel time was same as the travel time from Japan to United Stated by flight. But no doubt we had fun for sure in this trip. :> So, it's worthwhile trip.
Here are the pictures that we took on the bus before we were ready to get off to Johor:
Janice & Daven
Darren & HooiSin

Eddie & Kim
We took bus to the bus terminal at Johor Jaya where HooiSin's parent picked us and took us home. We all end up with tan skin. After having supper, Daven gave me a ride backed to my place. Glad to be home and we sure had fun. That was my first trip to Redang Island but it won't be my last time!! Definitely will go back again...
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