July 7 __Small gathering @ Wan Jiao Restaurant__
I was trying to update my blog last night, but my laptop was down and i was not be able to update it on time. I think may be it's the time to get a new machine. Well, start from today's post, i will post a number of pictures that were taken at Malaysia & Singapore trip.
On July 7, it was Lee Ping's birthday, she is one of Hooi Sin's friends. We celebrated it at Wan Jiao Restaurant, which located at Holiday Plaza, Johor. Personally, i love this restaurant because it have very delicious foods and also have a good design of the restaurant. It's a good place to go with your friends.

A tiny strawberry birthday cake for LeePing. But i guess she doesn't like strawberry very much.
LeePing with her tiny strawberry birthday cake:
HooiSin's best friends, i guess!! LeePing and Tat Mei.. (Not supposed how to spell you guys name, if i misspelled it please don't mind:) 
I can't remember what is that, but it was really good. I think is a sausage with the cheese on top:

We ordered some fancy drinks. It's called Twins Lover (Which are in bottled yellow and light blue)
Fancy Drink--Twins Lover

Hong Kong style's noodle with pork

Fancy drinks-- in bottled:

Pictured with Twins Lover-- Fancy drink

Hooi Sin and her Twins Lover fancy drink:

I ate a lot because the food there was really delicious:>

X.O sauce Noodles

Hehe... Instant Noodles with Ham and Eggs 0n top. Looked good and tasted good too. Yummy!!!

We took some pictures when we were done our meal. Here are few shots at Wan Jiao Restaurant:
Picture 1 -- LeePing and Tat Mei

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