On October 28, I attended the Home Coming event at Eastern Michigan University. Recently, I joined the Beta Alpha Psi and Accounting club. As a pledge of Beta Alpha Psi, we had to participate two social events to earn the credits to be a member. Due to this reason, I have an opportunity to experience the campus event. Honestly, I never take part of any campus event, this is my first time, and we had so much fun!!!
In this event, you can hang out with your club members and social and making friends with other club members. Awesome!!!
This event started with a dance show with a group of Eastern dancers!!! Thanks Natalie for sending me these pictures!! These pictures were taken by Natalie, because I left my camera in the car!!! These pictures are all from Natalie's camera. She is one of my club members. 
In order to get the free TCF's hoodie, we had to challenge and cross over this!!!
It was a windy day!!! Freezing!!! As you can tell from the pictures, the weather was terrible!!!

It was a Eastern Football game day!!!
Instrumental troops were practicing at Eastern Field

Getting crowded at the evening!!!

Yap!!! I'm represent Malaysia, and Singapore!!! I was the volunteer to hold the flag of our country!!! However, one of the Malaysian already took Malaysia flag, so I take care of the Flag of Singapore!!! Sorry!! I was the traitor of Malaysia!!! haha!!

"Malaysia Boleh"!!! I borrowed the flag from that Malaysian and took this picture!!!
All international student!!! It came from several fronts, China, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, etc...
It's our show time!!! It was a parade for us to show our flag!!!

That lady with the hoop is Malaysian, she is the freshman at Eastern Michigan University. She take care of the Flag!!! She is proud of being Malaysian!! Look at me!! I was the traitor of Malaysia!! hehe!!!
The game almost start!!!
We had to line up to welcome the Footballer!!! It was freezing and we waited for 10 mins there!!
Eastern Eagle Football Team!!!
Here we go!!!

I didn't go for the Football game that day!! Because I had another appointment that day!!! These pictures were taken by Natalie!!! She went to the Football game!!

It was a good experience to explore the campus event.
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