On August 10, the National Day of Singapore, we decided to make a trip to Genting Highland. We left Johor early morning and drove for a couple hours to KL. In KL we stayed one night at hotel at the downtown. We didn't take any picture from there, because my camera's battery was dead.
We left KL early morning and drove another hour to Genting Highland. Genting Highland is one of the famous resorts in Malaysia. It a magnificent city on the hilltop, which is 2000 meters above sea level. Genting Highland was founded by Tan Srim Lim Goh Tong in late 1960s.
Genting Highlands enjoys a cool climate, with temperatures no higher than 25°C and rarely falling below 14°C yearly. Because of the weather, most of the Malaysian love to spend their holiday at Genting Higland.
Because the resort is located on the hilltop. We had to drive through a steep road to the hilltop, the higher you are the road become more steep. Luckily, we all arrived safety.
Police checkpoint at the mid of hill

Hooi sin took those pictures while I was driving. As you can see, the road become more steep when you are close to the hilltop.

We stayed at the First World Hotel, which is the cheapest hotel in Genting Highland. Due to the peak season of the day, we supposed to pay more that regular room rate. However, we were so lucky, because we met one couple which had made the reservation for the room but due to the urgent matter, they had to cancel the trip and headed back to Singapore. So end up we paid the regular room rate in peak season. :>
HooiSin and my sister, Ting, at the First World Hotel lobby.

We took these pictures at First World indoor Theme Park.

Indoor Theme Park at First World Hotel

Statue of Liberty

Shopping at First World Hotel

We stopped by at McDonald and had our lunch. Due to the limited resources at hilltop, everything there charges more than regular price. So, we paid more for our McDonald. Pictures from McDonald at First World Hotel

New watch for my sister Ting

Guess who is he? Dang... Dang... Dang... he is my younger brother --Luen-- I took this picture when he was enjoying his McDonald meal.

Not bad huh!!!

Waiting my brother to bring my meal

These pictures were taken at First World Hotel:

Silly Luen!! Before and After!!! haha...

Ghost house!!! Dare to try it??

Waiting for 4D motion master...

Actually, we don't have much chances to travel together. We don't even take picture together. However, this trip we took a lot of pictures together:>

Good buddy!!

Almost taller that me. But his eyes always smaller that me.. Haha!!

We tried to make a best shot. But we failed... A series of pictures!!

Line up and waiting for 4D motion master

Not bad, right? :>

We took this picture while waiting for 4D Motion Master

Outdoor Theme Park.

We stopped by and had a cartoon sketching at First World Hotel

I can't even move for 20 minutes ... Look at HooiSin!! She was checking out the sketching!!

Almost done half of it... does it look like me? what do you think?
Cartoon version --Darren Lee-- Cute?? Cool?? Ugly??

Finally done!!! Look!! It takes half an hour to draw it. Awesome !!! We took the picture with the artist...

Awesome!! what do you think? 75% similarity???

Views from First World Hotel Indoor Theme Park.

Shopping at First World Hotel

These pictures were taken at the Genting Highland Hotel, which is the most class hotel at hilltop

We left First World Hotel early morning. We had our breakfast at Ramen Shop before we invade Malacca. Here are the pictures that we took at Ramen Shop. Check it out....
The Ramen noodles was so good!! Yummy!! But it's really expensive!!

Look at HooiSin!! You can tell how hungry she was!!

Yummy, right???

We stopped by at the outdoor Theme Park

My silly sister....

Bye Genting Highland!! We were heading back to Johor via Malacca...

We stopped by Malacca again for our favorite Chicken Rice ball. After few hours drive, we got Malacca. We had our lunch at Famosa Chicken Rice ball restaurant. Here are the pictures:

White House?? Emperor seat??? The owner invested a sum of money to remodeling it as tourist attraction

Practicing to be an emperor or empress before we invade Johor.

Empress HooiSin

Empress Ting

Haha... Emperor Darren!!

Emperor and Empress

Emperor Luen!! Poor Emperor wear in short pant!!! Unbelievable!! haha....

We left around evening and headed back to Johor

We all had fun for sure!! It was a good memories to travel with my siblings. :>
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