I was in a bad mood last night. You may or may not know I am having schools and works at the same time. I drive back and forth everyday for schools and works. I am busy and feel fraustrated. A lot of stresses coming up. These stresses come from several fronts, exams, works, company projects, schools, etc. The student life here is not easy as you thought. Plus, now another pressure from my work. I need to release my stress!!! People said, the better way to release your stress could be through sport. However, I can't go with sport as my ankle sprained. I am still under "probabtion" period by someone. So, I am here to "release" my stress!! A little update for my ankle. It's getting better now, but I need couple weeks more to heal back...
Erm... back to the topic, why I was in a bad mood last night?! It was an exam day, I took the my exam right after worked. After exam, I thought I did good!! Indeed, I screwed it up!! I was stunned in a second when I got the exam grade. We graded the exam right the way after we were done. It was sucks!! Plus, my project graded was sucks too!!! I was so down and stunned for a couple seconds to cool down. What the hell!! How could it happend to me?!!
I reliazed that my emotion is easily get affected by my grade. The result will directly reflect from my emotion. It happens to me all the time. I am easily to feel down when I did bad in the exam. Sometime people thought I did good. Indeed, I don't think I am good enough. What do you think? I set a high expectation for myself. That's make me feel stress sometimes. However, in this world certain level of stress can make you stronger. But do not over-stress yourself sometimes. I do not think I am over-stress myself. I just feel that I can do better that what I did. In recent year, I realized that I care much more about my studies far away than before. Environment forced me to be aggressive. In order to compete with other, you have to be strong and well-equipped. No matter how hard it is, just hang it and stay tough and be stronger. Nothing is impossible... Everyday could be a new challenging day, just stay strong and get ready to welcome every single challenges instead of hidding and running away...
One of my friends told me: "Everyday is a new start, it's really depend on how you like it to be. It could be a happy day, fun day, sad day, stress day, etc. She decided to stay happy everyday. It simply because life still going on no matter you are happy or sad. So, why don't you choose to stay happy in every single day, to be a happy person!" Now, I realized that do not let the unhappy things bother you more than 24 hours. I need to learn how to always think everything in the positive way now. Nothing could let me down... Be a happy person!!!
March 3rd...
Back to the topic, a package from Sin, Malaysia!! I went to Post Office to pick up my package on March 4th. I can't wait to see what is the package. So I woke up earlier than usual and went to post office. I went to the wrong branch and I was late to work that morning. Eventually, I got my package!! I was so excited... Here are the pictures that showed you what is inside the package... Here it goes...
I got it!! A package for me from Sin, Malaysia!! As you can tell from this picture below, the shipping cost wasn't cheap anyway. She sent by normal postal service, luckily it arrived safely in Michigan.
For what I think, it's quite dangerous to send by normal post with expensive present! Thanks God you received it. ^^ She is really a sweet girl.
She is sweet!!! Actually, she sent it with registered postal service, that's why I got it for sure. I am glad I got that...
Haaa darren, first of all... Happy Belated Birthday.hahaa.. Lucky u for having hooi sin, she is such a sweet one, second thing to call lucky, hahaa glad that u can stil received that gift in one piece... as normally it wont happen to POS Msia.kekeee... kler, takecare, stay warm n all the best in ur study. :P
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