Thursday, July 12, 2007

~Tokyo, Japan~

Oops... sorry... Another late update. Here is my 2nd post after i back from Michigan, because it's so hard to get internet access in Malaysia. After coming back from USA, i realized that i can't survive without internet access. Luckily now, i do have internet access at home, otherwise my blog will be procrastinated.

Today's post will be all about Tokyo, Japan. Back up to June 26 & 27, I just concluded my spring semester and started my bag packing and ready to start my vacation back to my hometown, Malaysia. I was so excited as i do have a break to visit my hometown after 1 1/2 years strive :)

Lydia was so nice to dropped me off at Detroit International Airport. On June 27, due to the thunderstorm, my flight from Detroit to Tokyo was delayed. As departure time was delayed and we were unable to catch up the flight from Tokyo to Singapore. We have to stay overnight at Tokyo and wait for the next flight to Singapore. It was a bad news to me, but think about the other side, it was not too bad. As Northwest Airlines provide free accommodation and free meal, so i have the opportunity to explore Tokyo, Japan.

We were unloading at Tokyo Narita Airport...
We were arranged to stay overnight at Tokyo Radisson Hotel.
Radisson Hotel is considered as 4 stars hotel at Tokyo. What i felt so impressed was that everyone there was so polite. Japan is a very clean place, and the weather that day was nice too. Erm... Of course, beauty and handsome everywhere!!!

Lobby of Radisson Hotel...
I was nothing to do at night, so keep shooting around in my room...
Passport, flight ticket, room key, ipod, meal voucher, cell phone....
Northwest Airlines provide two free meals (dinner & breakfast), and free accommodation... Not too bad... :)
Another thing that impressing me is the vending machines. There are vending machines everywhere, you can even find one on the path.
It's very convenience... Vending machines everywhere!!!!
Calling someone but running out of coin or phone card credit??? Not a big deal... Here it is... Phone card vending machine is next to the public phone... Excellent!!!
Date: June 28. Time: Around 10pm @Tokyo, Radisson Hotel. Room: 3506. Mission : Snapshots.

Snapshot 1

Snapshot 2

Snapshot 3

Snapshot 4

In the early morning after having my breakfast, i spent a little time at Radission garden. Here are some pictures from Radission:

Beer GardenColorful bikes...
Grocery store
Radisson's Shuttle bus dropped us off at Narita International Airport- Terminal 2-.
We flew by Japan Airlines from Tokyo to Singapore. Picture was taken while i was waiting for boarding...
My schedule was totally messed up because of the flight delayed. However, i have the chance to visit Japan, so it wasn't that bad:). Japan is a nice place to visit, people there are very polite, and the place is clean, etc... But things are expensive there and the living costs are really high.

I flew by Japan Airlines to Singapore, it was so nice and comfortable. Flight attendants are well-mannered and they provide the best service to their passengers. Japan Airlines -- Highly recommended--.

I was landed at Singapore on June 29 around 5:30pm. After two days flight, i started my summer vacation at Singapore and Malaysia. Erm.... if you want to know how's everything going on during my summer vacation, please be patient and wait for my next post... :) Will keep you updated...

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