On August 31, Simon took us to Detroit Airport, we flew to La Guardia in New York City where our cousin Hee Lee picked us up and took us to his new house in upper Saddle River, New Jersey. We woke up in the early morning and drove to Detroit Airport. We checked-in in advance but the flight to La Guardia was delay. So we almost wait for two hours to get aboard to the flight. We flew by American Eagle Airline:
Here are some pictures from Detroit Airport:

Michigan Skyline:

After flying an hour, we got New York City. New York City Skyline:

Welcome to New York. La Guardia Airport:

There was terrible traffic jammed when Hee Lee picked us up at La Guardia Airport:


Yankee Stadium:

Terrible traffic jammed as there was a baseball match that day:

Pictures from NYC:
Fifth avenue in central down:

Time Square in NYC:

Ernst & Young Accounting firm in NYC:

New York City Skyline:

Hee Lee's new house in upper Saddle River, New Jersey. It took 45 mins from New Jersey to New York City. Here are some pictures from Hee Lee's millions new house at New Jersey. Let's checked it out:


Main living room:

From second floor:

Princess's bedroom- Rachel's room

Minor Dinning Room:

First day when we arrived, we had a dinner at the backyard:

Chinese Chef- Hee Lee, He fried some noodles to host us:

with some steaks and Lamb Chops:

Kitchen area:

My Sis-in-law's office:

Another guest room:

Main dinning room:

Simon & Rachel, Maggie:


Sam Lee, he always has a funny looked:

Simon & Rachel:

Darren & Rachel:

On September 2, Hee Lee hosted all his Malaysian friends to his new house at New Jersey. And Hee Lee hired Malay Chef who worked in Malaysian embassy kitchen to prepare Malaysian food to host his friends. We had a lot of Malay foods that day, such Nasi Lemak, Redang Beef, satay, Kuih Lapis, and curry chicken, etc. Yummy!! I had 9 months didnt taste Malaysian food, this trip to New York City, i ate a lot of Malay foods. Yummy!!!
Here are kids doing their job on the pinata:

Sweet victory!!!

Malay dessert:

Hired a magician clown for the house warming party... actually it should be outdoor activities, but due to the storm passing through we had to moved in to the garage:

Hee Lee and his friends:

Yummy!!! Satay, Curry puff, Curry, etc!!! All are my favorite foods:


On September 1, We went to Chinatown which located at Manhanttan. First time visit Chinatown at Manhanttan, the crowds jammed the whole street. My first impression on Manhanttan Chinatown is crowded and dirty. And i felt like i was in Hong Kong, as those streets and advertisements looked like Hong Kong Street:

Picture from Flushing Mall;

Fresh fruits at Hong Kong Market:

On September 3, we went to another chinatown at Queens. We had our dinner at Shanghai restaurant. Shanghai dishes was so-so, but "Xiao Long Bao" is good. Here are some pictures from Queens Chinatown:

Those pictures were taken at September 4, which is our last day at New York City. It was taken at Queens Chinatown as well. This time we went to Flushing Mall to have Taiwanese food. Taiwanese food is good. But one famous Taiwanese food called "Chou Toufu". That was my first time to taste that dishes. It really tasted like a piece of "shit". I even cant torelent for the smell.
Church at Queens:

There got a lot of Taiwanese stores, cafe or restaurants in Queens:

We all flew back on September 4th Labor day holiday. It marked to the end of my summer vacation. NYC is my last trip during summer vacation. Actually i didnt enjoy much in this trip as the storm passing thourgh plus the terrible traffic in NYC. Now, school start on September 6, everyone back to their position as usual, including me. Next holiday will be on November, it will be Thanks giving Holiday. Maybe i will visit NYC again. I'll be back NYC!!!
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