Summer is here... Average temperature at Ann Arbor now is 75F (29C). Em... What are we going to do in temperature 75F degree's weather??!! Suntanning??? Maybe... But there still have plenty of outdoor activities for summer, such as Fishing, biking, paint balls, swimming, etc. Actually, this is my second summer in United States, i'm pretty enjoying during summer, even though i was grew up at Malaysia, with almost 75F degree everyday. I love summer because there have a lot of outdoor activities going on... There might be another reason is, bikini girls everywhere.... :)
Back up to last summer, what i did the most is playing paint balls and Air soft gun. So, let's see what i did in this summer. This summer i spent all the time in fishing... i'm crazy about fishing recently, guess how many time per week?? Two times per week, day and night... fishing alone sometimes... i never thought i will crazy about fishing... You might ask me why suddenly crazy in fishing. I used to go fishing last summer, but i didn't crazy about it that time. My interest of fishing is generated at this summer. Lawrance, he is the person who teach me a lot in fishing. I know Lawrance through Sonny. Sonny is my manager at Restaurant. Lawrance is Sonny's son, both of them love fishing and usually go fishing at summer. They even participated in 3 days fishing trip to Tennessee. This summer, they bring me along to Lake Erie. Let's check it out for the pictures below:
Recently, we went to Lake Erie twice, but here are only part of the pictures, the rest i will post it in my fishing Part II. So, Let's start with the Lake Erie beautiful scene:
Those pictures were taken in our first trip to Lake Erie. The weather was so nice, and i can't wait to shoot the beautiful scene... So, let's enjoy the beautiful scene of Lake Erie:

Look!!! It was a fabulous harvest day... This is what we had that day... Fishes-- Walleyes & White Basses--
Pictured with biggest walleye!! Awesome!! This is the biggest walleye i had seen in my whole life... Awesome!!! 
Sonny and his son -Lawrance--. Look at the fishing gears, you can tell how professional they are. The reason of wearing windbreaker is because the weather was still cold, it was end of spring. Another reason is, when you are in the middle of Lake, there is no windbreak, you can handle with the strong wind. So you will feel cold, the best gear is wearing windbreaker.
This fishing boat is owned by Sonny, this is his 4th fishing boat. You definitely feel weird why i cruised the fishing boat on the road?? Why? Because I still do not how to cruise the fishing boat, so the only thing i can do is pictured with the awesome fishing boat. :(
Sonny's fishing boat-- Aggressor--
Pictured with Lawrance:
Em... I'm not cruising the fishing boat, i just pictured with it while the boat waiting for uploading...
Pictured with Sonny and his fishing boat--Aggressor--
Here are the pictures that were taken at Bellville Park. My first fishing trip in the spring. Lawrance brought me there and he teaches me a lot about fishing. But unfortunately, he got a job offer at Minneapolis, Minnesota. And he moved there alone, and we can't go fishing together. After he moved, i usually fishing by myself, it sound boring to you, but i'm enjoying on it...
Pictured with small walleye @@ Bellville Park....
Lawrance pictured with Smallmouth Bass:
Fishing Part II will be coming soon, i will try to post it as soon as i can....
Chocolate Fondue??!! When I heard that, my first reaction was:"What is that?!!" Most of you are crazy about chocolate, but have you ever heard about chocolate Fondue?? Maybe you do, but for me, it's my first time know about chocolate Fondue. if you do heard about Chocolate Fondue, but how much do you know about it?? In order to know more about Chocolate Fondue, i do some researches on Chocolate Fondue. For those who do know what is the Chocolate Fondue and who do not know what is that about, here i'm gonna share some information of Chocolate Fondue with you, Here we go:
According to the information i got from Internet, Fondue is originated in Switzerland. Fondue refers to several Swiss communal dishes shared at the table in an earthenware pot ("caquelon") over a small burner ("rechaud"). The term "fondue" comes from the French "fondre" ("to melt"), referring to the fact that the contents of the pot are kept in a liquid state so that diners can use forks to dip into the sauce. The sauce is usually warmed either by a separate burner containing an alcohol-based fuel or simply by tealights. Though cheese fondues are the best known kind, there are several other possibilities for the contents of the pot and what is used for dipping.
Fondue is a food that became very popular in the United States in the 1970s. Fondue was said to be invented for the purpose of using up old cheese and dry bread. The Swiss also found fondue convenient because of the freezing winters and the scarce amount of fresh food. Having fondue helped the Swiss people have a meal when it was not possible to get fresh food.
More recently, since the 1960s, dessert fondue recipes have appeared, typically a caquelon of melted chocolate into which pieces of fruit of pastries are dipped. Other dessert fondues include coconut, honey, caramel, and marshmallow.
Chocolate Dessert fondues: (Picture provided by Google)
By saying all of this, you definitely wanna ask me did i try chocolate dessert Fondue before? My answer is: Yeah!!! Here i'm gonna show you some pictures that were taken at Chocolate store which i visited for my Chocolate Dessert Fondue @ Ann Arbor downtown. Are you ready?? Let's check this out:
This is one of the chocolate stores located @ Ann Arbor downtown. My friend bought me there and it's my first time to visit this chocolate store. For those people who crazy about chocolate, i am sure you will love this place as there are plenty of chocolates with different kind of flavors and shape. I took some pictures from there:
Interior looked for the chocolate store...
I have a funny looked, because i do not have a professional camera girl.
And she doesn't know how to catch the angle.... In fact, i need to say thanks to her, because she took a lot of nice and funny pictures that day....
Look!!! She tried to snapshoot around the store....
Am i looked more gentle with that glasses? :) Funny??!!
Deng!!! Deng!!! Deng!!! (Sorry... Linly... i copy your words!! haha!!) Here we go for the Chocolate Dessert Fondue... Look !!! there is an earthenware pot on the tripod with a small burner (Candle), and the fruits. Fruits including grapes, Bananas, Strawberries, Pineapples , honeydews, Cherries, and sponge cakes... It looked good and tastes nice!!!
Looked!!! Earthenware pot with melted chocolate!! Yummy... How do you serve it?? Erm.... Let's me show you...
Are you ready?? Pay attention!!! one... two... three... snapshot begins...
First step... use your fork to choose the fruit that you like and dips the melted chocolate, and then act one of your best postures... smile... :) nice shot...
Second snapshot.... posturing as chocolate lover... In fact, i'm that crazy about chocolate, but i would like to try the new stuffs. For me chocolate fondue sound very delicious... Indeed, it's delicious... This picture looked weird, like i said this is snapshot pictures... looked funny...
Emmmm..... yummy... i was enjoying the 100% real chocolate taste...
From my posture, i guess you can tell how good is it... another funny picture.... I smiled till you guys can't see my eyes...
This pictures looked funny... snapshot effect...
After today's post, i think for those who doesn't know what chocolate Fondue is, now they should know what is it. And for those who already know that, i hope this post will let you know more about Chocolate Fondue (ex: the origin of Fondue). Also, if you haven't try the chocolate Fondue before, go ahead and try it. Otherwise you will never how good it is, you will only find out the taste after you tried it... So why don't you just give a try to check that out....
Today's post will be a little bit different... It will be full of scholars, gowns, flowers, and surrounded of greeting. Today's post will be exclusively for HooiSin, and post titled is "HooiSin's Graduation Day"
Congratulation HooiSin!! Southern College awarded HooiSin a diploma of Marketing. I really can tell how excited she was. Here are some of the pictures from the graduation day, let's check it out :
She keeps complaining with me that she will feel embarrassment if nobody gives her flower during the graduation day. Sorry, i can't make that. But there you go, you have your family from your family. I will pay you back when i back to Malaysia, Okay? :>
HooiSin pictured with her sunflower at home. Here is the perfect pair : beautiful sunflower + her pretty smile:) 
On May 12 morning, there are a number of scholars with gown assembled at Southern College field. Most of the parents and friends were there to send their best regards to the scholars. I was in Southern College before i came here. I didn't attend the graduation day, the reason is it was held after i came here. I didn't feel that is a lose, at least i still can attend my commencement for my undergraduate or even master degree. Here are the pictures from Southern College:
HooiSin pictured with her a gang of friends: start from left : Ivy, Elene, HooiSin, MeiYan & WaiKeong.
Family picture:
HooiSin's Mommy and Daddy:
HooiSin pictured individually with her friends:
HooiSin & ShinYeong:
WaiKeong and HooiSin:
Elene & Hooisin.
Meifern & HooiSin:
HooiSin and MeiYan:
Pictured with her Sister-Janice- during the graduation day.
Pictured with her friend, i don't who is she??? 

HooiSin pictured with her diploma certificate and her beautiful flower in front of Southern College:
Here again are another group pictures:
Happy Family:)
Group of her friends!! Here, I represent HooiSin to say: "Thanks for your coming my graduation day, appreciated!!" Warm greeting from all of you.... Thanks...
Another Family picture @ Southern College Park:
Pictured with her sibling-- Start from left: Fang, HooiSin, Tat, Janice and Daven:
HooiSin, thanks for sending me those pictures. This post is exclusively created for you. Congratulation again, and all the best in your future.